Vastu Tips for Bedroom: Ultimate Guide to a Tranquil Space

Vastu Tips

Vastu Tips for Bedroom

Vastu principles can optimally balance the bedroom, enhancing your well-being and tranquillity. Let’s discuss a few Vastu tips adopting which can positively influence the energy flow in your personal space.

  • Don't have mirrors that face the bed, this signifies an inability to let go of stress and worry.

  • Keep your bedroom (even under your bed) clutter-free. The more clutter you see, the more stagnant your energy flow becomes.

  • One more thing in bedroom vastu tips is Sleep with your head towards the South, East or West directions but never towards the north. Bedroom in north direction keeps your head facing North, and it’s possible that you might start suffering from nightmares and other disturbing thoughts.

  • Design a square or rectangular bedroom. This ensures peace and prosperity. It’s also important to note that Vastu does NOT approve of having plants and other living things in the master bedroom.

Vastu Rules for Bedrooms with Balconies

Vastu recommends placing the balcony in the bedroom's Eastern or Northern regions. Avoid circular balconies since they cause the residents a lot of problems. One can add a swing to the East-West axis. Brighten the balcony to promote positivity. On the balcony, you can keep small plants facing north, east, or north-east. The balcony grill must always be free of rust. Keep undesirable items out of the balcony so that energy can flow freely.

Vastu Rules: Mirrors in Bedrooms

Mirrors are said to reflect energy around the bedroom, which can cause agitation and heighten anxieties. It's crucial to avoid hanging a mirror on the wall across from your bed. Additionally, if your dressing table has a mirror, be cautious where you place it, similar to how mirrors wardrobe should be placed while building a master bedroom, according to Vastu principles.

Vastu advises against placing a mirror in front of your bed because seeing your sleeping body reflected in a mirror is unlucky. Make sure the Vastu tips for bedroom for married couple is correct.The north or east wall must be used for the dressing table's location.

Vastu Rules: Bedroom Vastu Plants

Vastu recommends the appropriate plants for your bedroom if you want to add some greenery:

  • Money plants should be positioned at sharp corners to create a stress-free atmosphere. But make sure it receives some diffused light. One of the best indoor plants for cleansing the air is this creeper. So, ensure that it has a growing platform.

  • According to both Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra, bamboo plants are among the luckiest plants. It may be positioned anywhere in the bedroom and needs no maintenance. The most popular location is, however, at the southeast corner.

  • The lily plant represents joy, serenity, and harmony. Additionally, lilies are uplifting and prevent nightmares.

  • Lavender is noted for its calming aroma, which encourages inner serenity. To get the most out of its aroma, put it close to your nightstand.

Harmonising Your Haven: Choosing Vastu-Compliant Plants for the Bedroom

Incorporating plants in your bedroom can be a delightful way to enhance its energy and aesthetics, but choosing the right ones is key to aligning with Vastu principles. Vastu, an ancient Indian science of architecture, offers valuable insights into selecting plants that not only beautify your space but also promote a sense of balance and tranquillity.

1. Money Plant for Stress-Free Vibes

A money plant, with its lush green leaves, is not just an eye-catcher but also a symbol of prosperity and stress reduction. It's best placed in a corner where it can receive filtered light, ensuring a serene and vibrant atmosphere.

2. Bamboo for Luck and Simplicity

Known for its minimal care requirements, the bamboo plant is a symbol of good luck and peace. It thrives well in any part of the bedroom, especially in the southeast corner, bringing a sense of balance and simplicity.

3. Lily for Serenity and Positive Dreams

The lily, with its elegant appearance, is believed to bring tranquillity and positive energy into the bedroom. It's especially helpful in preventing nightmares and ensuring peaceful sleep.

4. Lavender for Aromatic Relaxation

Recognised for its soothing fragrance, lavender can be a delightful addition near your bedside. Its aroma is known to induce relaxation, reduce anxiety, and improve sleep quality.

When incorporating plants into your bedroom, it’s crucial to maintain a balance. Overcrowding the space with too many plants can create a cluttered feeling, whereas a few well-placed green additions can significantly enhance the room's energy flow according to Vastu. Remember, the goal is to create a space that feels natural, peaceful, and harmonious.

Vastu Tips for Bedroom Furniture

Your bed should be made out of a good and strong wood, avoid metal and iron beds at all costs.

  • Although exposed beams are a fad, avoid having beams running above your bed. It's said that if the beam is left as is, it could lead to health issues for those in the room.

  • Keep your bed about 4 inches away from the wall. We also suggest that your bed is not directly below a window.

  • Ensure the head of your bed is against a solid wall for a sense of security and stability as recommended by Vastu.

  • Aim for a symmetrical arrangement of furniture in your bedroom to create balance and promote a peaceful sleeping environment.

  • Avoid storing items under your bed to allow energy to circulate freely, enhancing relaxation and sleep quality.

  • Select furniture with rounded corners over sharp edges to encourage a smooth flow of positive energy and reduce the risk of injuries.

Vastu Tips for Bedrooms for a Married Couple: Let the Good Vibes Flow!

  • Creating a harmonious and loving atmosphere in the bedroom is essential for married couples, and Vastu Shastra offers timeless wisdom to help achieve this. Here are some Vastu tips specifically tailored for couples to ensure their bedroom is a sanctuary of positive energy, love, and tranquillity:

  • 1. Bed Position as per Vastu for married couples: Place your bed in the southwest corner of the bedroom to enhance love and stability in your relationship. Ensure the bed is of high-quality wood and avoid metal frames, as they can disrupt the room's energy flow.

  • 2. Choose Harmonious Colours: Soft, soothing colours are ideal for a couple's bedroom. Opt for shades of light pink, blue, or green to create a calming and loving atmosphere. These colours are believed to strengthen the bond and understanding between partners.

  • 3. Mirror Placement: Avoid placing mirrors where they reflect the bed, as this is considered to bring misunderstandings and health issues. If you have a mirror in the bedroom, ensure it is positioned in such a way that it does not reflect the bed.

  • 4. Clutter-Free Space: Keep your bedroom free of clutter. A tidy and well-organised space allows for a free flow of positive energy, which can reduce stress and enhance harmony in the relationship.

  • 5. Photographs and Artwork: Display pictures that symbolise love, such as images of you as a couple or art that depicts romantic scenes. This reinforces the bond and keeps the energy in the room focused on your relationship.

  • 6. Avoid Electronic Gadgets: Keep electronic gadgets like TVs and laptops out of the bedroom as they can interfere with the room's tranquillity and the couple's intimacy.

  • 7. Lighting: Soft and warm lighting is recommended. It creates a romantic and peaceful environment, conducive to relaxation and deep conversations.

  • 8. Bedding and Decor: Choose comfortable and cosy bedding. Add elements like cushions or a soft rug to make the space more inviting and nurturing.

  • By following these Vastu tips, married couples can create a bedroom that not only serves as a place of rest but also as a haven for nurturing their relationship, ensuring that good vibes always flow in their private sanctuary.

Lights On, Negative Energy Gone: Vastu Tips for Bedroom Lights

  • Use soft, warm lighting: Soft, warm lighting helps to create a calm and peaceful atmosphere in the bedroom. This can be achieved through the use of lamps, fairy lights or even candlelight.

  • Avoid harsh lighting: Harsh lighting can cause stress and disrupt sleep. Make sure to avoid bright lights or harsh overhead lights in the bedroom.

  • Opt for a dimmer switch: A dimmer switch allows you to adjust the intensity of light in your bedroom according to your needs. This is a wonderful way to create the perfect ambiance for sleeping or relaxing.

  • Position the lights correctly: As per Vastu, lights should be placed in the east, north or northeast direction.

Enhancing Bedroom Ambience: Selecting Vastu-Compliant Colours for Couple

Vasthu for bedroom colours play an important role in creating the right vibe in your bedroom. Here are some Vastu tips for couple bedroom to keep in mind while choosing colours:

  • Choose soothing colours: Vastu tips for master bedroom suggest that soothing colours like pastel shades of blue, green and pink are best for the bedroom as they promote a calm and peaceful atmosphere.

  • Avoid bright colours: Bright colours like red, orange and yellow can cause stress and agitation, so it’s best to avoid these colours in the bedroom.

  • Use earthy colours: Earthy colours like beige, brown and tan are grounding and promote a sense of stability and security.

  • Paint the walls in lighter shades: Lighter shades of colours help to create a spacious and airy feel in the room.

Vastu Dosha remedy: Get your bedroom back on track

Vastu Shastra has been an integral part of Indian culture for thousands of years, and many ancient Indian myths and legends speak of the powerful influence that the arrangement of spaces and objects can have on our lives. If you’re facing any negative energy or Vastu dosha in your bedroom, here are some remedies to get your bedroom back on track:

  • Cleanse the room regularly: Regularly cleaning the room and keeping it clutter-free helps to ward off negative energy.

  • Place a wind chime in the room: A wind chime helps to dispel negative energy and promote positive energy.

  • Keep the room well-ventilated: A well-ventilated room helps to keep the energy flowing and prevent negative energy from getting trapped.

  • Bring in plants: Plants help to purify the air and promote positive energy.

Vastu Wisdom for Restful Sleep: Essentials for a Positive Bedroom Environment

In ancient Indian mythology, there is a story of King Janaka, who was known for his wisdom and just rule. One day, a sage came to visit him and asked for a place to stay overnight. King Janaka offered him a place in the palace, but the sage declined, saying that he would prefer to sleep outside in the open air. King Janaka was curious, so he asked the sage why he did not want to stay in the comfort of his palace. The sage replied that he did not want to stay in a place where the bed was placed in the wrong direction, as it could disturb his sleep and bring about negative energy.

This story highlights the importance of placing the bed in the correct direction as per Vastu principles, as it can greatly affect our well-being and peace of mind. In the same way, it is important to avoid certain elements in the bedroom that can disrupt the positive energy and bring about negative vibes. A peaceful and relaxing sanctuary is essential for a good night's sleep and overall health, and following Vastu tips can help to achieve this. To make sure you're snoozing in serenity, here are some things to avoid in your bedroom:

  • Mirrors: A mirror in the bedroom can disrupt the flow of positive energy, leading to a restless sleep. If you have a mirror in your bedroom, cover it up at night before you go to bed.

  • Electronics: Avoid keeping electronic devices like phones, laptops, and televisions in the bedroom. They emit harmful blue light that can interfere with your sleep patterns and cause stress.

  • Clutter: A cluttered bedroom can lead to feelings of stress and anxiety. Make sure you keep your bedroom organized and free of clutter to maintain positive energy.

  • Sharp edges and corners: Furniture with sharp edges and corners can disrupt the flow of positive energy in the room and cause negative vibes. Round edges and curves are considered more auspicious in Vastu.

  • Overhead beams: Overhead beams can create a feeling of oppression and stress. If you have overhead beams in your bedroom, consider installing a false ceiling to diffuse the energy.

Creating a Vastu-Compliant Bedroom: What to Avoid for Better Sleep

A good night's sleep is not just a modern-day necessity, but a cherished tradition in ancient Indian mythology as well. The gods and goddesses themselves sought peaceful slumber to recharge their divine powers, and so should we. That's where Vastu Shastra comes into play. By following its principles, we can create a harmonious and positive energy in our bedrooms, leading to a good night's rest. But it's not just about what to do, it's also about what to avoid. Here are some things to keep in mind when creating a Vastu compliant bedroom:

  • Water elements: Water elements like aquariums, fountains, and even vases with flowers should be avoided in the bedroom. They can bring about negative energy and cause financial problems.

  • Improper bed placement: The placement of your bed is crucial in Vastu. Make sure your bed is not directly under a beam and that your feet are facing the door.

  • Fire elements: Fire elements like candles, incense sticks, and oil lamps should be avoided in the bedroom. They can bring about negative energy and cause health problems.

  • Dark colours: Dark colours like black and dark blue can create a feeling of depression and negativity. Opt for lighter colours like white, cream, and pastel shades to create a positive energy in the room.

By avoiding these elements in your bedroom, you can create a positive and relaxing environment that promotes good sleep and well-being.

Say Goodbye to Vastu Doshas and Hello to a Vibrant Bedroom with Conceptality!

Vastu Shastra provides guidelines and tips to create positive energy and promote harmony in the bedroom. By following the tips for lighting, colours, bed direction, and avoiding certain things in the bedroom, you can create a peaceful and comfortable sleeping space. However, it's important to remember that the ultimate goal of Vastu is to promote happiness and peace in your life. While these tips can help to create a positive bedroom environment, it's also important to focus on other aspects of your life to maintain overall balance and harmony.

So, if you're looking to create a harmonious and peaceful bedroom, consider these Vastu tips for your sleeping space. And, if you need help with interior design and decoration. Our team of experts will work with you to create a beautiful and functional space that aligns with your personal style and the principles of Vastu Shastra.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. According to Vastu, which direction is the best for sleeping?

According to Vastu, if you want to get a nice night's sleep, you should sleep with your feet facing south. In-depth information is provided in this article.

2. Which colour is Vastu's recommendation for the bedroom?

You should paint your bedroom cream, baby pink, or off-white. Don't wear dark colours. The space should be neatly set up. Maintain a spotless and clutter-free bedroom.

3. Which shades of curtains do the Vastu experts recommend?

According to Vastu, bedroom drapes should not be fiery red or black. Curtains in light hues like white, cream, light brown, green, and pink are best since they promote relaxation.

4. Is the bedroom in the northwest direction suitable according to Vastu?

According to Vastu, the Northwest location is the second-best option for a couple's bedroom if the southwest is already occupied by the parents (in-laws). This, however, can impact business and career instability. On the brighter side, it can unlock career or business opportunities overseas.

5. Wife should sleep on which side of the husband?

For a smooth and loving marriage, the wife should sleep on the left side of the husband, according to Vastu.